2017 Financial Summary for Open World Cause
The Open World Cause is proud to unveil our 2017 Financial Summary. In November 2016, we made a goal to donate $6,000 and be the tax deductible handler for a $14,000 campaign to save the HIPAfrica school in Kenya. In addition, we pledged to donate $6,000 to the TriKa School in Nepal to continue their school lunch program (along with helping with other expenses). We are proud to report that we exceeded both of these expectations (with our final classroom donation to HIP coming by February 7th). Since our founding as a non-profit, it has been a primary goal of ours to be transparent with our financial information, and we are thrilled to report that 96.8% of our 2017 expenditures ($19,971.19 in total) went straight to our partnered schools (with only 3.2% going to overhead). We want to take a moment to thank our consultant, Abigail Schletzbaum, who helped put this report together, your support has been absolutely invaluable. As always, we want to conclude by thanking all of our donors, without you, none of this would have been possible. We can't wait to see what the future holds with both HIP and Tri Ka! To Access the document, click here