

It comes with great pride to announce that we have submitted our final donation to the HIPAfrica school in Kimilili, Kenya. We are so proud to look back at what our partnership has accomplished since it began in 2015. We want to thank our amazing donors who all helped crowdfund, campaign, and go door to door to support HIP in that time. Thanks to the efforts of HIP’s staff, OWC volunteers, and our donors, over $26,000 was raised for HIP to help construct new classrooms, washrooms and address other educational needs since 2017. We make this announcement at a time where Go2Science has made an incredible commitment to HIPAfrica to provide a new well on their campus and as HIP continues to move forward with other educational partners to blaze new initiatives. We will continue to cheer on HIP’s fantastic teachers and students in the Kimilili community and can’t wait to celebrate their accomplishments moving forward. We want to thank everyone who has supported OWC and HIP over the amazing last four years. We are excited to see the direction that both of our organizations take in the future. Over the next few days, we plan to post videos and pictures to celebrate what has been an extraordinary partnership, as well as links to another non-profit that will continue to support HIP. Be on the lookout for news about Open World Cause’s exciting upcoming initiatives!


Ben Honeycutt
Executive Director of the Open World Cause
and the Open World Cause Board of Directors