Thank you to our University Volunteers
Today we’d like to recognize our university volunteers, Devin Canfield and Mauryn Kennedy, for spreading the word about Open World Cause at the University of Kansas. Open World Cause established itself as a student organization in the Fall of 2012 on KU’s campus. Being associated with KU has led to significant partnerships in our organization since we were granted student organization status. OWC has been able to take part in University competitions and fundraisers, leading to new student volunteers while leading OWC to significant donations from KU’s campus and in the city of Lawrence.
Since the Fall of 2012, OWC has met twice a month on KU’s campus in a library conference room to discuss both short-term projects and long-term goals. Being on a campus of 27,000 students has also led to unique opportunities to spread the word on Wescoe Beach. Here, student volunteers can distribute flyers and information packets to the thousands of KU students walking on campus. Before our 2015 trip to Nepal, over $1,000 was raised by collecting small donations from students on Wescoe.
We would like to thank Devin Canfield for continuing OWC’s student organization at KU and ALL of our student volunteers who make what we do possible!