Tripur Kinder Academy (Tri Ka) is in the Dang region and the Narayanpur community. It has 95 children, which is a 66 student increase from our last visit in 2015. There are 5 classrooms and the children here are primary age or younger. Classes from youngest to oldest go like this: Nursery (preschool), play group, lower kindergarten, upper kindergarten, and…
Read MoreDays for Girls is an organization that provides opportunities for groups to sew and assemble reusable feminine hygiene kits. They also provide education and training on topics such as feminine hygiene, menstrual cycles, sexual intercourse, self defense, and human trafficking.
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Haley- Haley is our nurse and as been doing check ups with students. She pulls students from their classrooms and checks eyes, ears, mouth, teeth, blood pressure, height, weight, lungs, skin, and strength. Only 2 out of….
Read MoreThe Open World team is gearing up for our second trip to Nepal (arriving July 2) since our first 2015 visit four years ago. In that time, we’ve broadened our goals and have lost and gained new allies. TriKa, our flagship school --and the reason for our upcoming visit-- has grown from 26 students to more than 90 students (about a 220 percent increase) since the last time we went.
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